Friday 26 October 2018

Term 4 Week 2 Maths

1. 37 x 25 = 925

(30 x 20) + (30 x 5) + (7 x 20) + (7 x 5)
 = 600 + 150 + 140 + 35 = 925

2.  42 x 17 = 
= (40 + 10) + (40 x 7) + (10 x 2) + (2 x 7)
= 400 + 280 + 20 + 14
= 714

Friday 19 October 2018

The Library Bus

I really got excited when my teacher said 3, 2, 1 we all packed our things away and lined up quickly and set off down to the library bus. When we arrived at the library bus an angel appeared out of the bus it was the bus librarian, her name was Erica and her friend Brett. They both greeted us with joy. We were all excited to step onto the bus. When we all hopped onto the bus Erica showed us around and talked to us about all the books. After she talked to us about the books she gave us our own librarian card so that we could borrow book from the bus and from our local libraries. We all picked a book and took it to Brett so that he could scan it. The time went really fast because I was so engaged at looking at the amazing books. I had a lovely time in the bus and can’t wait for the bus to visit us again next mouth.