Friday 10 March 2017

The wing of Maui's Moa.

on the topic or title and by reading the text.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: I am able to confirm my prediction by reading the text.

Title:The Wing of Maui's Moa.

  1. My Predictions:Is that the story is about a big chicken that has lived for a long long time.

  1. Key Ideas:Maui's moa,

  1. Vocabulary and meanings: - Write at least 10  words down and its meaning.
     1.Gigantic:gigantic means something that is really big.
     2.allotment:allotment is something like a very big garden.
     3.whirling:whirling is when you spin with a dress.
     4.bottomless: A big hole that never ends
     5.collecting:when you go to the beach and grab lots of shells or  when you
      collect stape.
     6.towards:when something is coming towards you.
     7.angry:when you are so mad.
     8.across:mean like when you walk across the road or throw a rock
     9.holidays:when you go on  a school brack.
    10.staying:when you stay at a hotel

  1. My question and answers:who is the moa in this story. It is maui.

  1. Summary: this story is about maui’s moa wing got cut off.

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