Friday 10 March 2017

witchetty poms

on the topic or title and by reading the text.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: I am able to confirm my prediction by reading the text.

Title:The witchetty poms

  1. My Predictions: is that the story is about witchetty poms.
      That the story is about them making this type of oil that makes planes grow        faster.that the people are eating witchetty poms.

  1. Key Ideas:witchetty poms,bigger,football team,walked kilometres, shopping,walked,chopping.

  1. Vocabulary and meanings: - Write at least 10  words down and its meaning.
        team is a type of spot to play. is where people go to learn about things like history of the earth.
       3.vegetables very healthy to eat.
      4. Australia is a country to go to for a holiday our to live there.
       5.favourite something you like to eat or play or have fun with.
        6.yellow is a brat colour.
       7.big something that is real gigantic
       8.fruit something you eat like apples pears and bananas.
         9.water is a liquid that you wash your face or your body which is called a having a shower
        10.down when something is going down.  

  1. My question and answers:why did nanny bring witchetty poms. To make a type of oil that so the plants can grow faster than the other plants

  1. Summary:The story is about witchetty poms so nanny can grow her plants bigger.

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