Friday 28 December 2018

The WWF: World Wildlife Fund - SLJ


1. Saimaa Ringed Seal
2. Making snow banks for the seal to born her babies
3. WWF is helping the seals with snow bank so that when the animal has borned the babies will not die because it is left in the open. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richie,

    I'm Leslie and I'm a member of the Summer Learning Journey team. I live in Canada so I'm reading your blog from the other side of the world. It's winter in Canada right now so my yard is covered in snow and it's about -20 C. It's chilly outside!! Is that hard for you to imagine?

    I'm enjoying reading your blog. I see you've looked at the World Wildlife Fund video about the Saimaa Ringed Seals that live in Finland. Isn't it amazing that something as simple as pushing snow to create snowbanks can save the lives of baby seals?! And isn't it wonderful that there are people who are willing to do that kind of work in order to increase the population of these special animals?

    Would you ever be interested in doing work to help protect animals? Are you interested in science, and biology in particular?

    I'm so glad that you've chosen to be part of the Summer Learning Journey program this year. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog postings!




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