Thursday 2 January 2020

SLJ - Week Three Day Four - Activity 3: Putting Our Heads Together


  1. Ki Ora Richie
    Amazing Job I choose that foundation as well. I gotta say that John Kirwan and the other people with the foundation that similar are doing a great Job helping people with their mental health Problem.

    You are doing a great Job keep up the great work

  2. Great pick Richie - mental well being is juts, if not more so, important as physical wellbeing. Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  3. Hey Richie!

    Congrats on completing another Summer Learning Journey activity! Mental health is a MASSIVE issus here in New Zealand, but i'm glad that their are companies that are helping those in need! I also see your writing about Sir John and I also agree that he's a good person! Can you tell us more about your picture that you have created?

    Keep up the great work!



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