Saturday 28 December 2019

SLJ - Week Two Day One - Activity 3: ‘Dear Jacinda’

Dear Mrs. Ardern

This letter is to inform you about what our women's sports players are getting paid. This is a very big not just in New Zealand but around the world and I would love for you to change this problem so others could follow. Our men sports players are getting paid loads but our women are getting paid very little. This is so unfair and is wrong. A very sports player should get paid the same no matter if they're a girl or a boy. If you could do anything with your power to change this issue then please do so. Thank you for your time.



  1. Great persuasive letter Richie...hope it has an impact! Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  2. Hey Richie!

    Congrats on completing another Summer Learning Journey activity! I really enjoyed reading your persuasive Letter! It was really convincing for me, maybe it will convince Mrs. Ardern one day! What are some other global problems you would want Mrs. Ardern to take a look at?

    Keep up the great work!


  3. Hi Richie,
    I found it interesting that you think there's a pay gap between men and women in sports. I also found it interesting that you think it's unfair a woman should be paid less than a man. Did you know that men are biologically stronger than women?


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